Our Mission

DOE’s Office of Science has a mission to deliver scientific discoveries and major scientific tools to transform our understanding of nature and advance the energy, economic, and national security of the United States. We are the nation’s largest federal sponsor of basic research in the physical sciences and are a major supporter of research in such key scientific fields as physics, materials science, computing, and chemistry. We are also the lead federal agency supporting fundamental scientific research related to energy.

To keep America in the forefront of discovery and innovation, we sponsor research at hundreds of universities, national laboratories, and other institutions across the country. We also build and maintain a vitally important array of large-scale scientific facilities at the DOE national laboratories, which are used by thousands of researchers every year.

About the Office of Science

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The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Office of Science is the nation’s largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences, the steward of 10 DOE national laboratories, and the lead federal agency supporting fundamental research for energy production and security. Our job is to keep America at the forefront of discovery. This video is an overview of the Office of Science’s mission, people, and resources.
Video courtesy of DOE's Office of Science

Science Headlines

Niobium-Tin Magnet Key to Unlocking Potential of Heavy-Ion Accelerator
Researchers are developing a powerful new magnet that promises to improve the facility’s performance and extend its capabilities.
Capturing Finer-Scale Topographic Differences Improves Model Capability to Reproduce Observations
Downscaling of atmospheric forcing to subgrid units has pronounced impacts in high-elevation regions with major precipitation in cool seasons.
Neutron Scientists Wake a Sleeping Giant After Nine-Month Nap and Makeover
ORNL's Spallation Neutron Source, the nation’s leading source of pulsed neutron beams for research, was restarted after nine months of upgrade work.
Magnifying Deep Space Through the 'Carousel Lens'
Researchers have identified a unique configuration of galaxies that form the most exquisitely aligned gravitational lens found to date.

University and Stakeholder News

New Tool to Help Decision Makers Navigate Possible Futures of the Colorado River
A new computational tool, the Framework for Narrative Storylines and Impact Classification, may help the region adapt to a complex & uncertain future.
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Eliminating Potential False Positives in the Search for Dark Matter
UCLA Assistant Professor of Physics Alvine Kamaha wins a DOE Office of Science Early Career Research Program award.
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Axon-Mimicking Materials for Computing
Researchers have discovered materials that behave like axons by spontaneously strengthening electrical pulses that travel along transmission lines.
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Discovery Could Lead to Longer-Lasting EV Batteries, Hasten Energy Transition
Researchers discovered that hydrogen molecules from the battery’s electrolyte move to the cathode and take the spots that Li ions normally bind to.
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Science Highlights

Dept. of Energy Office of Science delivers scientific discoveries, tools for the nation via programs in Advanced Scientific Computing Research; Basic Energy Sciences; Biological & Environmental Research; Fusion Energy Sciences; High Energy Physics; Nuclear Physics. Also supports Accelerator Research; Isotope Research; Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer; 5 national quantum centers; 2 energy innovation hubs. Stewards 10 DOE national labs. 100-plus Nobel Prizes, $8.1 billion budget.

The Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time.

Image courtesy of the Department of Energy Office of Science