Welcome to EIMInstitute

“Welcome to the Enterprise Information Management Institutetm! I am honored to be joined by the finest experts in the information management industry, including John Zachman, Bill Inmon, Sid Adelman, Mike Jennings, Larissa Moss, Len Silverston, Anne Marie Smith, and Richard Wang. Our goal is to bring you the industry’s best practices and techniques for successfully managing your information assets and look forward to your active participation in this unique site.

We will soon be adding a number of new features to the portal including forums, webinars, and live-chats. If you would like to participate by contributing an article or managing a forum, please contact our editor-in-chief, Cindy Klima, at [email protected].

EIMInstitute Chairman

[email protected]


Volumn 4, Issue 5 - November 2010

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Monthly Columnists

John Zachman
Originator of the Zachman Framework

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Sid Adelman
Often Wrong, Seldom in Doubt

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Larissa Moss
Data Warehousing Industry Expert

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Anne Marie Smith, Ph.D.
Measuring the Pulse of Information Management and Governance

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Bill Inmon
The Father of Data Warehousing

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Bruce Johnson
Data and Data Warehouse Architecture Expert

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Ian Rowlands
Leader in Application & Metadata Management

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Events of Interest


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