Paths to Privilege

Identity Security that Eliminates Blind Spots and Stops Attacks
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Paths to Privilege™ are your organization’s most critical risk exposure points. These paths enable attackers to gain footholds, compromise identities, escalate privileged access, and move laterally to undermine your infrastructure itself. Some paths are known, others are unknown and vulnerable. And they are everywhere.

BeyondTrust empowers you with holistic visibility, simplified management, intelligent protection, and the most modern privileged access management (PAM) control plane to protect against identity-based threats.

BT diagram 2024 Product Portfolio integrations update 070824 1 BeyondTrust software platform: Cloud ~ Hybrid ~ On-Premises ~ OT

As the only analyst-recognized leader in both PAM and ITDR, we are uniquely poised to help you transform your identity security.

Gain Cross-Domain Visibility of Identities
Break down your identity silos to unify visibility for identities across IT and OT, from cloud to on-premises. Discover all human / nonhuman identities, privileged accounts and credentials, DevOps secrets, devices, and access—across every domain.
Discover All Your Identity Risk Pathways
Surface nested privileges, over-privileged identities, dormant accounts, identity misconfigurations, and other blind spots. Connect the dots across your entire identity estate. Benefit from ML and AI-powered insights to prioritize the risk and blast radius of each path to privilege.
Condense Your Identity Attack Surface and Threat Windows
Attackers can’t exploit what isn’t there. Proactively remove or harden paths to privilege and reduce identity-based risks. Operationalize just-in-time access, and right-size authorization for all users, sessions, applications, machines, and endpoints to ensure least privilege and support Zero Trust.
Respond to Identity Threats​ with Velocity and Precision
Know the instant your world changes—and when it matters. Benefit from AI-powered detections paired with easy-to-understand guidance that puts your risk in clear context, and how to address it. Flex our powerful PAM control plane and third-party integrations to harden your security posture, stop attacks, and boost cyber resilience.
Trusted to Protect 20,000 Customers Around the World​

"Everybody tries to sell you the world and then gives you a little bit. BeyondTrust is different. They have given us more than we even knew was possible."

Tommy Green, VP Of Information Systems & Technology, AMOCO Federal Credit Union

“The interactions between the products in the [BeyondTrust] suite have been brilliantly and carefully orchestrated in a way that we are maximizing our chance of getting as far down the Zero Trust road as we possibly can given the state of the products in the security market.”

Brandon Haberfield, Global Head of Platform Security, Investec

"BeyondTrust pushes us to be better…From sales to support to engineering, BeyondTrust has always extended dedicated care and attention to our projects."

—David Lokke, Senior Systems Administrator, Premier Bankcard

Trusted by These Companies

BeyondTrust is recognized by industry analysts, certified by security associations, and ranked a leader by customers​. ​

Read the report to get the analyst's take on the privileged access threat landscape, key trends, and PAM vendors.

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Leverage our Partner Ecosystem of hundreds of leading technology vendors and integrators to supercharge your security investments.

Get detailed product, pricing, and technical information directly from our experts. 

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