How Much Should You Budget For Home Maintenance?

Trying to figure out how much you should save for house repairs may seem impossible. After all, you don’t know what kind of repairs you need until something breaks. However, this isn’t entirely true.

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Great Ways To Dry Flowers To Keep Them Beautiful

Hanging plants upside down in the open air is a method that has been used for centuries to dry all sorts of plants, and flowers are no exception. When air-drying flowers, as opposed to drying herbs, it’s important to take a few extra precautions.

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What Perennials To Cut Back In The Fall

Phlox is one of the most vibrant, popular plants, and it’s a fixture in countless gardens. That said, phlox goes dormant between fall and early spring like many perennials. Some homeowners don’t cut phlox back, and that’s fine in some cases.

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How To Prepare Perennials For The Winter

Perennials go dormant by early-to-mid fall in most climates. It depends on the temperature and how quickly it gets cold where you live. The process is often slow, and perennials begin their dormant stage between late August and mid-September in most places.

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How To Fix Your Yard After Removing An Above-Ground Pool

Above-ground pools ruin grass in many ways, but it’s mostly because of its weight. Even a 30-foot above-ground pool weighs at least 300 pounds without water in it. Adding water to the pool can increase its weight by 3,000 pounds or more, depending on its capacity.

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How To Clean Your AC Condenser

A dirty AC condenser cannot properly transfer heat as it’s supposed to. Once this happens, the condenser will stay hot, and cold air won’t circulate throughout your home. Not only does this render the system ineffective, but it can also cause long-term damage.

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9 Gardening Tips For Seniors

The best thing a senior gardener can do is simplify their garden. While vast gardens are rewarding, they can be hard to keep up with and maintain. The more plants you have spread out over a large area, the more drained you will become while gardening.

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Fall Bonfire Safety Tips

Just like in real estate, the location is everything when it comes to fall bonfire safety. For example, it’s unsafe to build a bonfire below trees and power lines or near structures, like sheds. It’s also essential to clean the area around the bonfire to ensure the flames don’t spread.

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How To Create A Cozy Living Room This Fall

One of the best ways to boost the comfort level of your living room is to add a lot more pillows. You can add decorative fall-colored throw pillows to highlight the season or use soft textures to promote relaxation.

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12 Ways To Prevent Birds From Eating The Fish In Your Pond

One of the most effective and popular ways to keep birds out of a fish pond is to use pond netting. This netting is easily purchased and comes in a variety of sizes, colors, and materials. The point of pond netting is to keep all sorts of pests and predators out of your fish pond.

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Eight Reasons Why Your Succulents Keep Dying

The most common way to kill a succulent is by overwatering. Plants need water, but succulents are relatives of the cactus family, and they don’t like too much of it. Before watering a succulent, you must ensure the soil is fully dry.

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Does Toothpaste Go Bad? (And How You Can Tell)

If you have an old tube of toothpaste or an old travel-sized version from the dentist, you are likely wondering if it is still fresh, or if it’s gone bad. The general rule is that toothpaste expires about two years after its manufacture date.

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How Long Does It Take To Grow Your Own Christmas Tree?

There are dozens of different types of Christmas trees that are grown in nearly every climate around the world. With all this variety, it’s no surprise that there is not a simple answer to the question, “How long does it take to grow a Christmas tree?” Instead, there are averages, and approximate time frames based on what most people look for in a Christmas tree.

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Why Is My AC Evaporator Freezing Up?

Refrigerant is essential for an AC unit to absorb and release heat throughout the system. Without refrigerant, this exchange won’t happen, and it can explain why your AC evaporator is freezing up. Several signs indicate that your refrigerant level is low, such as high bills, and a long cool-down time.

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When Should You Decorate For Halloween?

Most homeowners consider summer too soon to decorate for Halloween. However, it’s quite common to decorate for Halloween as soon as summer ends. Summer ends on the autumnal equinox, which is typically September 22 or 23.

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Should You Repair Or Replace Your Air Conditioner?

AC units are more complicated than they seem, yet many problems are repairable, such as:

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